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HBT | What is Glycemic Index?
  • By HBT
  • 17 February

What is Glycemic Index?

Glycemic Index

When we take carbohydrate-containing food, our body will break down the carbohydrates into glucose and glucose enters into blood, the blood sugar rises immediately. Different foods have different types of carbohydrates, so the rate of blood sugar rising are different.

The glycemic index (GI) is used to predict how quickly the foods will raise blood sugar. The higher the GI value, the faster the blood sugar rises. Generally, the more refined the food, the faster the carbohydrates are broken down and the higher the GI value. For example, donuts contain a lot of sugar and refined starch, the digestion rate is very fast and the blood sugar can be rise in a short period of time. While vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which can delay the rising of blood sugar. Generally, foods that contain more fiber, protein and fat have a lower GI value. Thus, a variety and balanced diet is very important.

Info provided by:

Ms. Ng Chia Sin 

Nutritionist / Trainer 

Bsc (Hon) Food Science and Nutritionist (UKM) 

Human Development Resource  Fund Certified Trainer.